We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for rape crisis and sexual assault services. We have in office assistance to meet with you and support you as you navigate your own healing. For more information, please call us.
Our compassionate, well-trained advocates can be an important first step in the healing process after an assault. Advocates respond 24/7 and are not affiliated with law enforcement, hospital systems, or the criminal justice system.
Open Arms Advocates are the only first responders with whom victims have confidentiality.
Our 24-Hour Sexual Assault & Crisis Hotline is always available: (325) 658-8888
You can also email our Victim Advocate at advocate@openarmscv.org.
Role of the Sexual Assault Victim Advocate:
To provide immediate crisis intervention, confidential emotional support, information and advocacy to victims and their loved ones. The advocate is part of a coordinated response team and facilitates medical and legal services while providing trauma-informed, victim-centered care. Our advocates may:
- Explain legal and medical options
- Orient victims to systems they may have contact with as a result of the crime, serving as a liaison between the victim and these systems
- Ensure victims are treated with respect by other service providers
- Address safety concerns, immediate basic needs, and help make a safety plan
- Accompany and support victims during the medical forensic exam (with victim’s consent)
- Discuss the effects of trauma and provide adaptive coping strategies for the days ahead
- Coordinate follow-up services
- Educate family and friends on trauma and how to support the victim
Our Advocates:
Victims have the legal right to have an advocate in the room during their exam.
Advocates are volunteers and staff, many of whom have advanced education and experience in related fields. Advocates complete 40 hours of training in sexual assault response, including:
- Crisis intervention skills and techniques
- Safety planning and risk assessment
- Confidentiality, health care privacy, informed consent, and mandated reporting
If you would like to volunteer as an advocate, we would love to talk to you more about it!